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According to Clark, all disease is caused by foreign organisms and pollutants that damage the immune system. She asserted that eliminating these organisms from the body using herbal or electrical means while removing pollutants from the diet would cure all diseases.using a low voltage (9 volt DC (PP3) battery) generating a positively offset square wave frequency pulser (she named it the Zapper) pulsing at approximately 30 Kilo Hertz (30,000 pulses per second.)


Doing this treatmeant for 21 mins a day is said to help destroy the things causing the issues in our bodies by disabling them and allowiing your body to safely eliminate the waste.  5/5



Attention! Do not use the Zapper Armand Hulda Clark 01 ENG Therapeutic Generator with electronic pacemakers inserted into the human body

EMS Blood Purifier Hulda Clark

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